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Your beautiful body with ADONIS
Путеводитель - Новости
18.08.2021 11:47

Your body is your best investment into the well-being and good physical state in the future. Healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, moderate activity and appropriate care - the main aspects that will help to prolong the best shapes and body quality. ADONIS latest medical assistance in the sphere of Body contouring Surgery provides only innovative methods which improve your body and make it even more beautiful.

The variety of possible options astonishes every patient. ADONIS develops Programs for different needs and requests, because your happiness and healthy body state are our main goals.

The process of Body contouring

For the safety and comfort of every client the well-developed procedures lead to only best results.

With the help of the less traumatic and gentle methods ADONIS experienced surgeons provide the operations on the basis of highly technological ADONIS facilities. During the whole process your blood vessels, nerve endings and connective epithelium remain untouched, which reduces the rehabilitation period and improves the fast regeneration after the procedure.

The results speak for themselves - your skin is more tightened and thickened, the results are visible almost after the operation, the skin remodeling process is launched and gives the best results.

The multiple requests can be resolved in one operation, when ADONIS plastic surgeons correct different body areas with equal attention to each part.

Rehabilitation process

To prolong and underpin the Body contouring results, you need to make your own efforts during the rehabilitation process and the whole way of life.

As the great number of Body contouring reviews say - the operation is the best tool and the first step toward fundamental life change.

The new shapes can be saved only in maintaining the good habits on a ongoing basis:

  • Proper, healthy and well-balanced nutrition

  • Abandonment of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, illegal substances)

  • Good sleep maintenance

  • Physical activity on a daily basis (some time after operation)

  • Moral health with good emotions and thoughts

The first time after the operation and accompanying procedures may involve some pain with tenderness and bruises in the affected area. Properly selected treatment plan and doctor’s recommendations will help you to overcome unpleasant effects and accelerate the recovery.

The main rehabilitation measurements can include:

  • using of the compression wear (for the duration of 2-3 weeks according to your personal doctor recommendations)

  • refraining from the physical activities

  • therapeutic or lymph drainage massage courses

  • all-round care and focus on the body

ADONIS Body contouring Surgery for the most affordable cost is the best price/quality ratio for the patients from the whole world. We try to be better every day with innovative treatment and technologies, narrow aimed consultation and knowledge gained, the best support and care for our precious clients.

Your beautifully shaped body is no more just a dream with ADONIS Plastic surgery clinics. Come to us and begin the new chapter of your life with the new mirror reflection which you deserve.




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